Assistant Principal Report

Assistant Principal’s Report

Working Bee

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time last Saturday morning (5th August) to assist with the preparation and planting of 200 shrubs/plants around the Junior Learning Centre and Junior playground—Great Job! I have one shovel that was left behind, if you are missing a shovel, please contact the office.

Junior School Council Fundraiser

What a fun day the students had yesterday coming to school in their PJ’s. There were many cool PJ sets and Oodies in all classes.

The Pyjama Day supported a food and clothing donation charity called “Reaching Out in The Inner West of Melbourne”. Thank you for your donation.

The baskets will be at the front office until Friday for any further donations.


Next week our Year 3s are off for a one night, two day camp to Anglesea on Monday and Tuesday.

Following the Year 3s are our Year 4 students who head off to Anglesea for a two night, three day camp from Wednesday to Friday.

The students are very excited and really looking forward to the activities and adventure of being at camp.

Book Week & Book Fair

This year Book Week is from 21st to 25th August. The theme is ‘Read, Grow & Inspire’. Student will be involved in a Costume Parade on Friday 25th August at 9.30am.

Information has already been sent out in regards to the Book Fair and the details are also contained within the Newsletter.

Reading & Writing Together is Magic Evening (RWTIM)

Over the past few weeks all students have been very busy composing poems during their writing sessions. They will then have the opportunity to share their poem to family, friends and the school community.

RWTIM evening will be held on Wednesday 23rd August, starting at 6.00pm to conclude at 6.30pm sharp.

Book your family’s attendance at this community event using our online booking system:

Event Code: bj342
Bookings Close: Thursday 17th August, 4:00pm

To assist with organisation, it’s vital that you register your attendance and the names of your children participating on the night.

Families will be provided with their room allocation details on Monday 21st August.
All students and families from across the school are invited to participate, however attendance is optional. Please note, all students must be accompanied by an adult. We look forward to a wonderful community celebration of our student’s literacy!

Prep Swimming

Prep students will attend an intensive Swimming program from Monday 21st August to Friday 1st September at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre. All relevant times and details have been communicated to the Prep families via Compass.

Enjoy the rest of your week

Wendy Emin - Assistant Principal


Week 5 - Friday 11th August - 2:50pm— Junior Assembly

Week 6 - Friday 18th August - 2:50pm—Whole School Assembly

Week 7 - Friday 25th August - 2:50pm— Senior Assembly

Week 8 - Friday 1st September - 2:50pm—Junior Assembly

Week 9 - Friday 8th September - 2:50pm—Senior Assembly

Week 10 - Friday 15th September - 2:00pm—Whole School Assembly - End of Term

Students of the Week


Monday 14th to Thursday 24th August
Venue: School Library

As part of our celebration of Book Week, the book fair will be set up in our library again this year. Students will preview the books with their class next week – from Monday 14th to Friday 18th August. They will fill in a special Wish List with the names of any books they like, along with their prices and location within the book fair.

If you would like to buy any of the books on your child’s Wish List, you have two options – online, or in person during the open times (see below). Detailed instructions for open times and how to order online will be printed on the back of the Wish List.

This is a wonderful opportunity to generate excitement about books and reading, as well as being a great fundraiser, or to provide funds to support our Literacy Program. We thank you in advance for any purchases made.

We will need parent helpers to assist with sales/traffic control during open times, &/or picking, packing and delivering student online orders:
Picking, packing & delivering orders to classrooms
- Tuesday 22nd August— 9:00am – 12:00pm (or any amount of time you can offer)
- Wednesday 23rd August— 9:00am – 12:00pm (or any amount of time you can offer)

Sales & traffic control
- Tuesday 22nd August 8:30am - 9:00am 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Wednesday 23rd August 8:30am - 9:00am 3:00pm - 5:30pm (before RWTIM)
Purchases at the school can only be made during these times.

If you’re able to help, please contact me via email:
Please include the day/s & times you can help, the tasks you would like to help with, and a contact phone number/email address. I will put together a Helper roster that will be emailed to you.
(As it can be very very busy, we ask that you don’t bring toddlers).

Vivien D’Aquino - Book Fair Coordinator

Student Leadership at WNPS

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing student leaders for the work that they are doing in our school community and the effort they are putting towards their roles.

School Captains

Our School Captains do an amazing job each week hosting and organising our school assemblies. They always demonstrate collaboration and responsibility to plan, run and assist with all school events and represent our school so well. We are so lucky to have such impressive and driven School Captains as Gus, Allegra, Morgan, David, Lucas and Chloe.

Sport Captains

This term our Sport Captains have been planning and coaching Year 5 and 6 sport on a Friday. They have shown tremendous organisational skills to teach their peers a range of different sports and games. Sport Captains also have demonstrated fantastic initiative when leading tabloid sport activities for the younger peers and their Foundation buddies

Junior School Councillors

Our Junior School Councillors have been busy organising and supporting with the upcoming fundraiser Pyjama Day on August 9th. The JSC are supporting the event for the charity called “Reaching Out In The Inner West Of Melbourne”. Students are welcome to come in their cosiest pyjamas (you can bring an Oodie, dressing gown or thick jumper for extra warmth). The charity collects children’s and adults warm winter items or long-lasting food to donate. Any donations that families would like to make can be handed in at the collection baskets at the front door of the office.

eLearning Leaders

Our eLearning Leaders do a brilliant job assisting their classmates and teachers with technology as well as Mr Evans in the STEM Lab. This term all Year 3-6 classes are busy doing coding and robotics units and our eLearning teachers are always happy and prepared to help.

Peer Leadership

Our Year 5 students have been building their skills in the Peer Leadership Program. They have been out in your yar during recess and lunchtimes assisting their peers as Playground Problem Solvers. This has been a tremendous help to our yard duty teachers and has allowed them role model our School Values to younger students.

What’s Happening in Year 1

The Year 1 students have settled quickly back into Term 3. Year 1FT were all very excited by the return of Mrs Farfaglia. A big warm welcome to Lisa Caulfield and Georgie Petty who have joined the Year 1 teaching team while Miss Barham and Miss Nikoloska are away.


In Year One we have begun learning about Stress Management through our Respectful Relationships program. A new student called Wibbly came to visit each class and said they were feeling stressed and needed our help. Students used the picture of Wibbly to describe what stress looks and feels like. Together we came up with a definition of stress and discussed situations which might make us feel stressed.

Have a look at our cheerful balloons for Wibbly to hold and help them cope with strong emotions. Each balloon has a helpful idea drawn on it to help relieve the feeling of stress. You might like to try out some of our suggestions if you are feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed.

Some of the suggestions include, playing with friends, taking a break, listening to music, drawing a picture and giving someone a hug.

Physical Education Wrap

It has been a busy start to our term in Physical Education and Sport. We are currently doing our Gymnastics and Fitness units in class and students are really enjoying themselves and are all engaged in their learning journey.

In Interschool Sports results we recently had our District Athletics Competition at the Newport Athletics Track and had some outstanding individual and relay team results. We finished third overall on the day and have as many as 20 competitors through to the Divisional Day at Newport on 6th September.

Also, our Year 6 Football teams, along with some lucky Year 5s played in the Regional Finals. Our Girls finished 3rd overall with a win over Geelong College by 8 points and a loss to St. Terese’s Torquay (Region Winners) by 3 goals. An outstanding achievement by the girls to be the third best team in the Western Metropolitan Region.

Our Year 6 boys won one and lost two on the day. Starting well with a 35-point win over Bethany PS before a 18 point loss to Our Lady of the Sea (Region Winners) and 39 point loss to St. Patrick’s Geelong. The boys finished 6th in the Region, another great achievement.

Hopefully, many continue to play local footy and who knows, maybe some future AFL or AFLW superstars will come from our 2023 school sides.

Up-coming events: Hoop Time (August 24), Divisional Athletics (September 6) and Year 6 Divisional Cricket (October 10).

Yours in Sport, Physical Education Team!

Assistant Principal Report

Assistant Principal’s Report

Working Bee

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time last Saturday morning (5th August) to assist with the preparation and planting of 200 shrubs/plants around the Junior Learning Centre and Junior playground—Great Job! I have one shovel that was left behind, if you are missing a shovel, please contact the office.

Junior School Council Fundraiser

What a fun day the students had yesterday coming to school in their PJ’s. There were many cool PJ sets and Oodies in all classes.

The Pyjama Day supported a food and clothing donation charity called “Reaching Out in The Inner West of Melbourne”. Thank you for your donation.

The baskets will be at the front office until Friday for any further donations.


Next week our Year 3s are off for a one night, two day camp to Anglesea on Monday and Tuesday.

Following the Year 3s are our Year 4 students who head off to Anglesea for a two night, three day camp from Wednesday to Friday.

The students are very excited and really looking forward to the activities and adventure of being at camp.

Book Week & Book Fair

This year Book Week is from 21st to 25th August. The theme is ‘Read, Grow & Inspire’. Student will be involved in a Costume Parade on Friday 25th August at 9.30am.

Information has already been sent out in regards to the Book Fair and the details are also contained within the Newsletter.

Reading & Writing Together is Magic Evening (RWTIM)

Over the past few weeks all students have been very busy composing poems during their writing sessions. They will then have the opportunity to share their poem to family, friends and the school community.

RWTIM evening will be held on Wednesday 23rd August, starting at 6.00pm to conclude at 6.30pm sharp.

Book your family’s attendance at this community event using our online booking system:

Event Code: bj342
Bookings Close: Thursday 17th August, 4:00pm

To assist with organisation, it’s vital that you register your attendance and the names of your children participating on the night.

Families will be provided with their room allocation details on Monday 21st August.
All students and families from across the school are invited to participate, however attendance is optional. Please note, all students must be accompanied by an adult. We look forward to a wonderful community celebration of our student’s literacy!

Prep Swimming

Prep students will attend an intensive Swimming program from Monday 21st August to Friday 1st September at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre. All relevant times and details have been communicated to the Prep families via Compass.

Enjoy the rest of your week

Wendy Emin - Assistant Principal


Week 5 - Friday 11th August - 2:50pm— Junior Assembly

Week 6 - Friday 18th August - 2:50pm—Whole School Assembly

Week 7 - Friday 25th August - 2:50pm— Senior Assembly

Week 8 - Friday 1st September - 2:50pm—Junior Assembly

Week 9 - Friday 8th September - 2:50pm—Senior Assembly

Week 10 - Friday 15th September - 2:00pm—Whole School Assembly - End of Term

Students of the Week


Monday 14th to Thursday 24th August
Venue: School Library

As part of our celebration of Book Week, the book fair will be set up in our library again this year. Students will preview the books with their class next week – from Monday 14th to Friday 18th August. They will fill in a special Wish List with the names of any books they like, along with their prices and location within the book fair.

If you would like to buy any of the books on your child’s Wish List, you have two options – online, or in person during the open times (see below). Detailed instructions for open times and how to order online will be printed on the back of the Wish List.

This is a wonderful opportunity to generate excitement about books and reading, as well as being a great fundraiser, or to provide funds to support our Literacy Program. We thank you in advance for any purchases made.

We will need parent helpers to assist with sales/traffic control during open times, &/or picking, packing and delivering student online orders:
Picking, packing & delivering orders to classrooms
- Tuesday 22nd August— 9:00am – 12:00pm (or any amount of time you can offer)
- Wednesday 23rd August— 9:00am – 12:00pm (or any amount of time you can offer)

Sales & traffic control
- Tuesday 22nd August 8:30am - 9:00am 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Wednesday 23rd August 8:30am - 9:00am 3:00pm - 5:30pm (before RWTIM)
Purchases at the school can only be made during these times.

If you’re able to help, please contact me via email:
Please include the day/s & times you can help, the tasks you would like to help with, and a contact phone number/email address. I will put together a Helper roster that will be emailed to you.
(As it can be very very busy, we ask that you don’t bring toddlers).

Vivien D’Aquino - Book Fair Coordinator

Student Leadership at WNPS

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing student leaders for the work that they are doing in our school community and the effort they are putting towards their roles.

School Captains

Our School Captains do an amazing job each week hosting and organising our school assemblies. They always demonstrate collaboration and responsibility to plan, run and assist with all school events and represent our school so well. We are so lucky to have such impressive and driven School Captains as Gus, Allegra, Morgan, David, Lucas and Chloe.

Sport Captains

This term our Sport Captains have been planning and coaching Year 5 and 6 sport on a Friday. They have shown tremendous organisational skills to teach their peers a range of different sports and games. Sport Captains also have demonstrated fantastic initiative when leading tabloid sport activities for the younger peers and their Foundation buddies

Junior School Councillors

Our Junior School Councillors have been busy organising and supporting with the upcoming fundraiser Pyjama Day on August 9th. The JSC are supporting the event for the charity called “Reaching Out In The Inner West Of Melbourne”. Students are welcome to come in their cosiest pyjamas (you can bring an Oodie, dressing gown or thick jumper for extra warmth). The charity collects children’s and adults warm winter items or long-lasting food to donate. Any donations that families would like to make can be handed in at the collection baskets at the front door of the office.

eLearning Leaders

Our eLearning Leaders do a brilliant job assisting their classmates and teachers with technology as well as Mr Evans in the STEM Lab. This term all Year 3-6 classes are busy doing coding and robotics units and our eLearning teachers are always happy and prepared to help.

Peer Leadership

Our Year 5 students have been building their skills in the Peer Leadership Program. They have been out in your yar during recess and lunchtimes assisting their peers as Playground Problem Solvers. This has been a tremendous help to our yard duty teachers and has allowed them role model our School Values to younger students.

What’s Happening in Year 1

The Year 1 students have settled quickly back into Term 3. Year 1FT were all very excited by the return of Mrs Farfaglia. A big warm welcome to Lisa Caulfield and Georgie Petty who have joined the Year 1 teaching team while Miss Barham and Miss Nikoloska are away.


In Year One we have begun learning about Stress Management through our Respectful Relationships program. A new student called Wibbly came to visit each class and said they were feeling stressed and needed our help. Students used the picture of Wibbly to describe what stress looks and feels like. Together we came up with a definition of stress and discussed situations which might make us feel stressed.

Have a look at our cheerful balloons for Wibbly to hold and help them cope with strong emotions. Each balloon has a helpful idea drawn on it to help relieve the feeling of stress. You might like to try out some of our suggestions if you are feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed.

Some of the suggestions include, playing with friends, taking a break, listening to music, drawing a picture and giving someone a hug.

Physical Education Wrap

It has been a busy start to our term in Physical Education and Sport. We are currently doing our Gymnastics and Fitness units in class and students are really enjoying themselves and are all engaged in their learning journey.

In Interschool Sports results we recently had our District Athletics Competition at the Newport Athletics Track and had some outstanding individual and relay team results. We finished third overall on the day and have as many as 20 competitors through to the Divisional Day at Newport on 6th September.

Also, our Year 6 Football teams, along with some lucky Year 5s played in the Regional Finals. Our Girls finished 3rd overall with a win over Geelong College by 8 points and a loss to St. Terese’s Torquay (Region Winners) by 3 goals. An outstanding achievement by the girls to be the third best team in the Western Metropolitan Region.

Our Year 6 boys won one and lost two on the day. Starting well with a 35-point win over Bethany PS before a 18 point loss to Our Lady of the Sea (Region Winners) and 39 point loss to St. Patrick’s Geelong. The boys finished 6th in the Region, another great achievement.

Hopefully, many continue to play local footy and who knows, maybe some future AFL or AFLW superstars will come from our 2023 school sides.

Up-coming events: Hoop Time (August 24), Divisional Athletics (September 6) and Year 6 Divisional Cricket (October 10).

Yours in Sport, Physical Education Team!


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